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Automatic Oracle 10g Startup and Shutdown at Ubuntu Linux system boot

Set the restart flag to “Y” in /etc/oratab, from something like this


to something like


Copy&paste the boot script code that follows into /etc/init.d/dbora (the file dbora doesn’t exists, so create it) and modify the bold values to reflect your installation:

# description: Oracle auto start-stop script.
# Set ORA_HOME to be equivalent to the $ORACLE_HOME
# from which you wish to execute dbstart and dbshut;
# Set ORA_OWNER to the user id of the owner of the
# Oracle database in ORA_HOME.



if [ ! -f $ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart ]
    echo "Oracle startup: cannot start"

case "$1" in
        # Start the Oracle databases:
        # The following command assumes that the oracle login
        # will not prompt the user for any values
        su $ORA_OWNER -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORA_HOME"
        # Stop the Oracle databases:
        # The following command assumes that the oracle login
        # will not prompt the user for any values
        su $ORA_OWNER -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/dbshut $ORA_HOME"

Assign proper script privileges:

chmod 750 /etc/init.d/dbora

Create the symbolic links related to boot runlevels [since I'm a long-time-Slackware-user and pretty new to Ubuntu, I'm not well versed about Ubuntu boot system so feel free to correct me (the comments are at the end of the post)]:

ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc0.d/k01dbora
ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc1.d/k01dbora
ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc2.d/S99dbora
ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc3.d/S99dbora
ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc4.d/S99dbora

at the end you should have something like this:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2008-07-16 14:16 /etc/rc0.d/k01dbora -> /etc/init.d/dbora
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2008-07-16 14:16 /etc/rc1.d/k01dbora -> /etc/init.d/dbora
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2008-07-16 14:16 /etc/rc2.d/S99dbora -> /etc/init.d/dbora
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2008-07-16 14:16 /etc/rc3.d/S99dbora -> /etc/init.d/dbora
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   17 2008-07-16 14:16 /etc/rc4.d/S99dbora -> /etc/init.d/dbora

Release 2 bug: inside /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin/dbstart there is a bug that will prevent the listener to start (Failed to auto-start Oracle Net Listener using /ade/vikrkuma_new/oracle/bin/tnslsnr); to solve change line 78 from




(in this article a modified version of the script at AutomatingDatabaseStartupAndShutdownOnLinux.php)

6 Responses to “Automatic Oracle 10g Startup and Shutdown at Ubuntu Linux system boot”

  1. Vasanth


    I still get this error

    ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER is not SET, unable to auto-start Oracle Net Listener
    Processing Database instance “orcl”: log file /home/vasanth/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/startup.log
    Processing Database instance “orcl”: log file /home/vasanth/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/startup.log
    vasanth@vasanth-desktop: ~/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/bin$

    Please assist

  2. Arjuna Del Toso

    mmmhhh ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER is not SET
    try to debug the script echoing the actual value of ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER to see what is going on. If ORACLE_HOME_LISTNER is not properly set try to set it by hand directly into the script.
    have a good day,

  3. Vasanth


    Thanks. Net listener works fine after setting ORACLE_HOME.

    I could not connect to the database still with “./sqlplus sys as sysdba”
    I get the error
    “Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
    Message file spl.msb not found
    SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory”

    Also http://localhost:1158/em and http://localhost:5560/sqlplus
    does not work. What settings should be done ?


  4. Vasanth


    managed to make it work after checking the settings again.
    Can i add the Oracle menu and it’s tools to Application menu ?


  5. Arjuna Del Toso

    I’m happy that you solved. About the Oracle menu in the Applications menu I have no idea. I use only the shell when working on servers …
    have a nice day,

  6. Seokhyon Kim

    In 11g R2, /etc/init.d/dbora file already exists.

    But there is a bug.
    In $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart line 103 (as a case in 11g R2)

    should be changed to

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