This website is now static html (since the end of 2010). The pages you see here are a simple wget spider mode crawl of the original wordpress, thus dynamic features like commenting are not working anymore.

Load the MeSH vocabulary into a MySQL database. A simple script.

A simple script written in Java to load the MeSH terms into a MySQL database. This script simply loads the MeSH terms (the value of “/DescriptorRecordSet > DescriptorRecord > DescriptorName > String” XML tag) that can be found in the MeSH XML formatted version of the vocabulay ( into a MySQL relational database. Download the [...]

Drupal, hide install text files using rewrite rules

I see lots of web sites that are using drupal cms and most of them are not hiding the text files that the installation process leave in the root directory. This is not a problem in general, but if you use an old version of drupal maybe is better not to show them to the [...]

WordPress Old Style theme

Here you can download (zip, 80KB) the Old Style WordPress theme or watch a demo site. Install it as usual. The theme uses JQuery for hiding/showing the top sidebar.